If you are thinking about the benefits of becoming a PADI diving instructor, here we are going to tell you a little about these benefits and give you some reasons.

Being a PADI instructor gives you much more than being an excellent diver (but of course this helps). A good instructor also has excellent public speaking skills, can anticipate a student's needs, and can explain complicated topics in ways that are easy to understand.
These skills, learned in the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC), are also incredibly useful in the real world. Instructor candidates frequently tell us how their PADI instructor training helped them improve their skills in communicating ideas, supporting their confidence when speaking in public and providing constructive criticism towards others.
For example, at the PADI office, it is not uncommon for employees to (half-jokingly) use an IDC technique to reinforce office protocol: «I like the way you organized the seating area.
However, I noticed that someone forgot to make coffee when the coffee pot was empty. Remember, it is important that your colleagues and customers have fresh coffee at all times.
While some have innate instructor skills, other people start their PADI instructor course thinking “how am I going to teach someone to breathe underwater?” That's when the PADI Course Director teaches you his magic tricks. Using the PADI education system, candidates learn to organize and present information, lead knowledge development sessions, and lead open water training.

In addition to improving your public speaking skills and water skills, the IDC is a great way to connect with interesting people.
Divers who complete a Divemaster training or IDC course learn a lot about each other, evolve together and create a special bond. If your current job does not satisfy you, becoming a PADI Instructor will increase your work skills and open new doors for you.
PADI Instructors are sought-after professionals in the world of diving. Once you're a PADI Pro, a quick look at the PADI Pros Site job board will show you jobs in dozens of countries.
If being a full-time diving instructor is not for you, you can also work part-time as a diving instructor or guide to complement any other work activity you do both close to home or in a tropical paradise.
You can also earn college credits. Last but not least, becoming a PADI instructor and transforming the lives of others is extremely enriching.
Learn more about becoming a diving instructor, or read more about the diving career possibilities available to PADI professionals. Or, contact your local PADI Dive Center or Resort to sign up for the next Divemaster or IDC course.
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