Taking advantage of our trip to certify divers in the Rosario Islands, we were practicing free diving or Freediver in various points of this beautiful place.

Practicing Freediver in the Rosario Islands
Every day freediver diving is gaining more followers, within our programming that we do on the Rosario Islands, we always schedule some dives in appropriate sites for this activity. (The submerged plane, which is located in the Boca Ramous channel, this is a fantastic place given the appropriate conditions, an average depth of 8 meters, visibility of 10 to 12 meters. This submerged artifact has its history, some locals attribute it to that he fell there after returning from a trip with an "unidentified" cargo, and that it belonged to one of the most wanted traffickers of his time.
The bullring
Another site with unbeatable conditions, very good visibility, coral formations that can be visited from 3 meters to 12 meters deep. We dive among schools of butterfly fish, grunts, and snappers; on our tour it is common to see schools of lorikeet fish. On the bottom there are flounders and other completely camouflaged fish.
Ideal for beginners in Freediver
Suitable for underwater photography
A very safe place to dive
If you are interested in freediving (Freediver), we will accompany you to the next outing that we will do from September 28 to October 1, and at once become a PADI Freediver.

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